Codita’s story – the Scottish straight kitten

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Codiță (Tail) is a small and playful kitten, born in our cattery. From the beginning he had a soft golden coat, playful eyes and a fluffy tail, from which he got his name.

From the beginning, Codiță was full of energy and curiosity, exploring every corner of the house and playing with everything he found. We immediately fell in love with him, but we knew that the day would come when we would have to find him a new home, with a family that would love him.

By chance, a family adopted Codiță. They welcomed him with open arms, it was a gift for their little girl. Unfortunately, after a few weeks, Codiță became seriously ill. Worried, the adoptive family took him to the vet. The news was devastating: the doctors said that our dear kitten did not have long to live and that there was no treatment to help him, they gave him no medicine, not even to relieve his pain. We were so sad when we heard the news. We decided to take him home, determined to give him the best we could in his final days. I spent hours with him, treating him, loving him, and hoping that the doctors were wrong and he would recover.

To our surprise, after a few days of care and treatment, Codiță began to recover. He ate better and better, and with lots of care, healthy food, and lots of love, he began to regain his strength. Day after day, we saw our little one turn back into the happy and lively kitten he was before he left our home.

Today, Codiță is as healthy and playful as he was in the first days of his life. He walks elegantly around the house, greeting everyone with his fluffy tail. He is the first to greet me when I come home, if he sees that I am sad or tired, he turns his belly up and invites me to pet him, other times he runs around the house, hiding, invite me to look for him. He is the most adorable kitten, always ready to give and receive affection. Every moment spent with him is a precious memory and we are grateful that we were able to save him and enjoy his presence every day.

He is a living example that an unfortunate event can turn into the most beautiful experience, and we must never give up doing everything in our power to take care of them.

Read How to take care of your healthy cats

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